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‘If I had a magic wand’: The CEO of retirement giant Ascensus explains how to not work forever
Americans are trillions of dollars behind where they need to be. The CEO of one of the largest retirement plan providers explains his fix.
Bradley Saacks said:
B: Hey David! Bradley here — what’s the view from your office set-up look like today?
David Musto said:
Gorgeous day in NYC office!
Bradley Saacks said:
B: So, I need you to be blunt with me: Will I ever retire?
David Musto said:
D: Most certainly….when you are good and ready! Question back to you my friend…are you saving early and often?
Bradley Saacks said:
B: I feel like I’ve done a decent job of putting money into the various 401k plans at my different jobs, including Semafor, but every headline I see about about how much I’ll need to live comfortably in 40 years is pretty depressing.
Bradley Saacks said:
B: Is there something workers are missing when it comes to retirement saving?
David Musto said:
D: You have a great head start relative to many in that you are taking advantage of your workplace retirement plan. Over 25% of American workers don’t have any retirement savings….translating to over 55 million Americans without a workplace plan.
David Musto said:
D: We need young people to start saving early and consistently. The thing to know is that it is hard to make it all up in the latter part of a career. Even modest savings early on will grow and sustain a secure retirement.
Bradley Saacks said:
B: If you were named retirement czar tomorrow with no limits on your powers, what would be the first thing you’d do to make retirement a reality for more Americans?
Bradley Saacks said:
B: Bring back corporate pensions? Mandatory matches from companies?
David Musto said:
D: The defined contribution system is working for those that are engaged and benefit from consistent savings over time. Automatic enrollment and escalation having big impact. If I had a magic wand, my first step would be to make workplace savings plans a reality for every business. Alongside, we need to address debt and prioritization of savings needs.
David Musto said:
D: Too few people benefit from financial advice. The democratization of financial advice is another key area of focus.
Bradley Saacks said:
B: In short, make it a focus from day 1 on the job instead of year 5.
David Musto said:
D: Yes….and help Americans deal with the other financial stresses in their lives so they can direct more to retirement, education, and health savings.
David Musto said:
D: We are taking advantage of behavioral finance principles, digital experience, and data analytics to help on this front. Technology can play a helpful role in the effort to reach the masses.
Bradley Saacks said:
B: Appreciate the time David, I think I might go look at my 401k contribution rate now…
David Musto said:
D: Onward and upward!