Ding Guanpeng (1726–1770), detail of “A Night Banquet at the Peach and Plum Garden.” The Palace MuseumA new exhibit at Hong Kong’s Palace Museum documents how China’s food and dining culture has evolved over 5,000 years through the movement of people, technology, and ideas. A Movable Feast: The Culture of Food and Drink in China features more than 110 artifacts, paintings, and picnic sets to illustrate how ingredients were sourced, processed, and enjoyed amid ever-changing social arrangements. As food transportation methods changed, so too did feasting rituals: Picnic boxes, for example, were once stacked by the docks for passersby to collect, like a kind of 16th-century DoorDash — reminding us that food itself “migrates, adapts and absorbs new influences, much like the people who make and consume it,” the Financial Times wrote. |