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Where Democratic VP pick Tim Walz stands on China, Israel, and Ukraine

Insights from Zichen Wang, Haaretz, Politico, The Forward, and The Kyiv Independent

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Aug 6, 2024, 12:10pm EDT
politicsNorth America
Brian Snyder/File Photo/REUTERS
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Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz has won the veepstakes to become Kamala Harris’ running mate on the Democratic ticket. Widely seen as an underdog at the start of the race, Walz’ record as a politician, both as governor and formerly as a Congressman for Minnesota, is suddenly under the microscope.

A National Guard veteran and former high school teacher and football coach, Walz’ stance on foreign policy and global issues is not as immediately apparent as other, more outspoken Democrats Harris had considered.


But he does have some history there: Walz honeymooned in China, has taken up a moderate stance on Israel and Gaza, and been vocal in support for Ukraine.



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Walz has personal ties to China, but policy stance may shift

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Zichen Wang on X, The Hill, Tim Walz on X, Politico

Walz has personal ties to one of the US’ biggest antagonists, China: he taught English there in the ’80s, spent his honeymoon there, and had a business taking students to the country on trips for years. He also speaks some Mandarin, a China expert wrote on X. In a 2007 interview with The Hill, he said his rationale was that, “China was coming, and that’s the reason that I went.” Later, in 2019, the then-newly elected Minnesota governor posted on the same platform calling for then-President Trump to end the trade war with China. However, “Walz was no dove to China,” Politico wrote, and has met with the Dalai Lama and served on a committee in Congress that monitors human rights in the country.

Israel-Gaza stance could bring in ‘uncommitted’ voters

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Haaretz, The Forward

Although Walz was frequently pitted against Pennsylvania’s Josh Shapiro in discussions of Israel, he is considered friendly toward Israel as well, Israeli outlet Haaretz noted. Walz ordered flags in his state flown at half-mast after the Oct. 7 attack, and criticized people who didn’t condemn it. At the same time, he called for humanitarian aid to be sent into the conflict zones, offered some conciliatory words to opponents of the war, and generally supported administration efforts to secure a ceasefire. In striking that balance, his elevation over Shapiro could help bring the “uncommitted” Democrat-leaning voters who protested against Biden’s stance on Israel, and keep left-leaning Jewish voters on side, The Forward wrote.

More vocal in his support for Ukraine

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The Kyiv Independent, Tim Walz on X, The Economist

Walz has spoken out several times in support of Ukraine, The Kyiv Independent noted. He met President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in 2023, and said it was “an honor” to speak to Zelenskyy and offer “our unwavering support,” adding that Minnesota was home to a large Ukrainian community. Earlier this year, he wrote on X “Minnesota will continue to support Ukraine as they defend freedom and democracy.” And in 2022, after Russia invaded Ukraine, Walz signed a law to divest state investments in Russia, “but he has resisted calls from left-wingers to do the same with Israel,” The Economist noted.